CENTRAL Workshops: Call 2024

CENTRAL Workshops: Call 2024


CENTRAL-Workshops are networking projects for groups of researcher of the CENTRAL universities in order to initiate new joint collaboration (incl. innovative teaching/training for young researchers) or to consolidate existing collaboration.

Open to all disciplines! 


Supported Activities:

CENTRAL-Workshop projects will fund one or two, 2-3 day meetings at one of the involved CENTRAL partner universities (or two, if two meetings will be held). 

Execution period: 01/09/2024 – 31/08/2025



  • In 2024 up to 8 projects may be funded.
  • Costs for travelling and accommodation: will be covered by the sending institutions. 
    Please be advised that travel costs might change until the workshop takes place (plan conservatively) This will be taken into account during the review of the applications 
  • Costs for catering, rental costs for of seminar room: will be covered by hosting institution.  
  • Funding regulations of each institution shall apply. 


Project team: 

Each project team shall comprise groups of researchers of at least three CENTRAL universities. Each group of researchers preferentially consists of 2-4 researchers of one CENTRAL university (inter/multi-disciplinary groups are possible) and has to include at least one established researcher (Post-Doc with at least 5 years of research experience), who will also act as group leader of its university, and at least one PhD-student. 



Applications have to be submitted before deadline via e-mail to central-network@univie.ac.at, using the application form. Applications submitted after deadline will not be considered for evaluation. 

Applicants can be any senior PostDoc academic (at least 5 years of postdoctoral research experience) of any academic discipline, employed at any university of the CENTRAL network.


Evaluation Procedure: 

Assessment of applications implies a formal check to verify the eligibility (done by the CENTRAL coordination unit) and a quality assessment against the following selection criteria: 

  • Academic quality of project (maximum 20 points) 
  • Feasibility of plan (maximum 20 points) 
  • Quality of team (including junior researcher and PhD students (maximum 30 points) 
  • Potential for further collaboration (incl. future externally funded project) (maximum 30 points) 


Each application will be awarded up to 100 points in the quality assessment. To be considered for funding, proposals must score at least 60 points in total and at least half of the maximum points in each of the selection criteria


Submission deadline: 16/04/2024 – 23:59 CET 

Eligibility check: by 14/05/2024 

Academic evaluation: by 14/06/2024 


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