WORKSHOP | Wittgenstein and Hegel on the Foundations of Logic
September 2023
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
According to Hegel, the purpose of philosophy is to apprehend its own time in thoughts. While Wittgenstein was a focal point of 20th-century analytic philosophy, Hegel's philosophy brought the essential discourses of the 19th century together and developed into the continental tradition in the 20th century. After this convergence, different movements began to distance themselves from Hegel's standpoint, allowing for the development of the analytical-continental split in the 20th-century.
This outdated conflict which took for granted Hegel's and Wittgenstein's opposing positions, is being replaced by a continuous progression and differentiation of several authors, schools, and philosophical traditions, which guide themselves by various interests through shades and shifts of meaning.
However, the ‘split’ is anachronistic, problematic, and, therefore, the two, Hegel and Wittgenstein, must be reconciled. Because of the lack of communication between these two hermetically developed spheres of thought, this schism still exists in 21th-century philosophical scholarship. It stems from loyalty to philosophical schools and institutions. However, there is a profound interest in each other’s research, especially in a mutual impact.
The workshop aims to foster a dialogue between the researchers of Hegel and Wittgenstein and integrate philosophical traditions. It promotes philosophical research at the crossroads of analytic philosophy and German Idealism.
Workshop website:
Contact person
Professor Vojtěch Kolman, Charles University
CENTRAL partners
Dr./Assistant Professor Michał Dobrzański, University of Warsaw
Univ. Prof. Kurt Appel, University of Vienna
Alexander Berg, University of Zurich
Denis Kaidalov, Charles University
Forschungskolleg Analytic German Idealism, University of Leipzig